SUCCESS STORY - PatientLogix, the new Social Media Health Network - R&D Capital
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SUCCESS STORY – PatientLogix, the new Social Media Health Network

SUCCESS STORY – PatientLogix, the new Social Media Health Network

December 12, 2017

SUCCESS STORY – PatientLogix, the new Social Media Health Network

PatientLogix is the new social media health network completely dedicated to the patients and the medical practitioners.

This vertical social media patient health network specializes in healthcare, encompassing a global approach to the healthcare marketplace for all types of users which may include everyday health conscious users, patients, family members, medical practitioners, clinicians, care givers and more.

What is the goal? It will provide community member users the ability to be “engaged” and share and post their healthcare stories and experiences, collaborate and share resources with one another and read how others manage their medical issues benefiting others that are facing the same diseases or upcoming medical procedures.

PatientLogix will be a successful platform!

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