Information technology - Tax Credits - R&D Capital

The world of information, electronics and telecommunications is extremely volatile and competitive. That is why companies operating in these sectors of activity have no choice but to invest in research and development in order to keep ahead of competitors and remain at the forefront of technology. Funding of your CDAE or SR&ED tax credits can help you maintain that competitive edge.


of our client portfolio is comprised of companies involved in Information Technology.

Bureau a air ouverte avec des employés sur l'ordinateur

Types of projects funded:

  • Development of a web application tailored to the needs of a target clientele
  • Development and implementation of customized analytical solutions

Our experts at your service!

At R&D Capital, we know your industry and we are aware of your financial needs. Our experts take the time to talk with you, understand your situation, inform you and answer your questions.

Homme barbu qui se nomme Pierre Binette
Pierre Binette


Homme adulte avec des lunettes qui se nomme Michel Beauchamp
Michel Beauchamp

Vice-President, Business Development

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