Artificial intelligence - Tax Credits - R&D Capital

Artificial intelligence is expanding at lightning speed in Canada, especially in Greater Montreal which has become one of the most important hubs in the world.
The fields of natural language processing, speech recognition and reinforcement learning require a substantial financial investment that can be supported by refundable tax credits financing for the Information Technology sector (SR&ED).


of our client portfolio is comprised of companies involved in Artificial Intelligence.

Usine remplie de robot IA mécaniques blanc

Types of projects funded:

  • Development of a car-sharing platform for daily commuters
  • Development of the “Neurotracker”, which allows athletes to enhance their attention skills and visual performance through virtual exercises.

Our experts at your service!

At R&D Capital, we know your industry and we are aware of your financial needs. Our experts take the time to talk with you, understand your situation, inform you and answer your questions.

Homme barbu qui se nomme Pierre Binette
Pierre Binette


Homme adulte avec des lunettes qui se nomme Michel Beauchamp
Michel Beauchamp

Vice-President, Business Development

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