Aeronautics - Tax Credits - R&D Capital

The Canadian aeronautics industry needs to invest in research and development (R&D) to retain its position as a leader.

Be aware that in this activity sector the SR&ED Tax Incentive Program can refund up to 82% of salary expenditures invested in R&D, which helps to attract and retain the best talents within the company.

For example, the creation of new materials, new processes and new manufacturing systems can qualify for significant SR&ED tax credits. Similarly, the development of new prototypes, components, or communication, navigation and surveillance systems may also quality for SR&ED tax credits.


of our client portfolio is comprised of companies involved in Aeronautics.

Deux employés qui travaille sur un avion

Types of projects funded:

  • development of strategic partnerships and undertaking large-scale projects
  • carrying out research and development projects (R&D)
  • workforce development (enhance competitiveness)

Our experts at your service!

At R&D Capital, we know your industry and we are aware of your financial needs. Our experts take the time to talk with you, understand your situation, inform you and answer your questions.

Homme barbu qui se nomme Pierre Binette
Pierre Binette


Homme adulte avec des lunettes qui se nomme Michel Beauchamp
Michel Beauchamps

Vice-President, Business Development

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